Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Elder Scott...and flat tires-Sept 28

We just watched Elder Scott's funeral. I loved the talks that were given! They were powerful reminders of one who emulates Christ like attributes. This week we had interviews! There were 6 zones there! SL made a surprise visit so that took a lot of time that usually goes to interviews so they were a bit different but it's always good to see President and Sister Toone! He talked about our vision. In Proverbs 29:18 it says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish". What is the difference between goal and vision? A goal requires stepping stones. A vision is who we can become. What is the Lord's vision for us? And what are we doing to accomplish His vision?
On Friday we came out of a lesson with a RC and my back tire was totally flat! Flats are THE WORST but we walked our bikes home because we weren't too far and the following day a member picked up my bike to change it for me! Because he had my bike another member picked us up for a day of service and the broadcast that evening. I loved the general women's session! The talks that were given were so powerful and uplifting. Afterwards we were dropped off at home to bike the rest of the night and lone behold Sister Berezay's back tire was TOTALLY FLAT!! So we called a different member to come a change her flat. How frustrating it is when you can't do missionary work! But Yesterday at church during relief society we had such a great lesson! The sister that was teaching referenced from Elder Jorg Klebingat's talk "Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence" IT IS AMAZING!!! As I was reading the talk during personal study this morning point number six jumped out at me! Accept trials, setbacks, and "surprises" as part of your mortal experience. We are here to be proved and tested. Answer with "I understand, Lord" and "spiritual confidence [will] increase". I love this gospel! I cannot wait for general conference this weekend! Also WE HAVE A BAPTISM FRIDAY!!! You always here about these "golden referrals" and she is it! God really does put those He has prepared into our paths! I love you all! Have the best week and a even better weekend!

Love, Sister Eaton

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